Field work in Naone – a beautiful collaboration of people
“It is an ecology, if you call it that, of thought formation through mutual constructive upbuilding activity. This valuable discipline of rhythmically developing ideas and ideals together has the greatest radiant power and can very quickly heal or transform individual people. However, good will and active commitment as well as perseverance over several days are always necessary. In any case, the work increasingly leads to a deeper sensitivity in the soul and ultimately to a natural love of life through the spiritual content.”
(Thoughts by Heinz Grill in his article: A spiritual ecology)

In the field in Naone, the soil was prepared for sowing. Vegetables and grain were sown.
“Through the discipline of working together, of empathic creative alignment and also through a frugal, simple and yet high-quality way of life, the individual gains a growing gentle relationship to his own thought life, to the possibility of forming thoughts for others, to a non-violent consciousness activity in the sense of perception to the political world situation and he soon feels how he learns to love and win the earth and the cosmos.”
(Thoughts by Heinz Grill in his article: A spiritual ecology)